Information Governance
Today, there are more than 100,000 companies globally with data storage needs that exceed 1 petabyte (or 1 million gigabytes), and this number will continue to rise in the coming years. Being able to effectively manage and mine this ever widening pool of information provides tremendous opportunities for growth, so long as the risks inherent in holding such vast amounts of data are effectively managed.
FTI Technology’s information governance practice helps organizations organize, manage, and protect this information. Our solutions reduce corporate risk, increase data security, improve the e-discovery process, and facilitate deeper and more actionable insights from data.
Further, as part of a comprehensive organizational data management and digital risk approach, FTI also supports client migration to cloud environments, GDPR readiness, management of PII and trade secrets, data segregation for divestment and mergers, and file share clean up. Taken together, this holistic approach helps companies increase their ability to generate value from unstructured data, while mitigating the costs and risks associated with retaining it.
How We Can Help

Microsoft 365 Solutions
FTI Technology consulting services are specifically focused on enabling, implementing, and managing critical, risk-oriented functions of Microsoft 365 to meet your objectives in the key areas of digital classification, record retention and disposition, data protection (DLP, sensitive data, PII), change management, and disputes and investigations.

Data Archiving, Retention & Remediation
Our team can work with you to optimize or replace your existing archive, migrate legacy data to new platforms, and safely remediate old applications and the data contained within them.

Legal Hold & Preservation
FTI Technology can streamline your hold and preservation processes, technologies and workflows across the EDRM workflow. This improves efficiency and performance against desired benchmarks. In addition, we can ensure that social media and messaging platform data are aligned with applicable legal holds and enterprise retention policies.

Messaging and Records Management Policies
Messaging apps are now the most common means of communicating inside the enterprise. As a consequence, many organizations need to update their records management policies to assure that app mailboxes, archives, and user files are journaled, stored, or remediated appropriately. FTI Technology’s consulting team will help you develop and implement these new policies, including auto-deletion and storage quotas, in the context of evolving technology and changing legal requirements.

Data Breach Response
FTI Technology can create new security safeguards for sensitive data that automatically alert information governance professionals about unsecured sensitive data before a breach. We can also identify and remediate data or scan BYOD devices for relevant data before employees leave the organization.

Mergers & Acquisitions: Divestitures
FTI Technology helps organizations uphold their legal and regulatory duties while executing defensible and secure data consolidation and remediation programs in the wake of a merger or divestiture. We support companies in maintaining existing legal holds, securing data from breaches, and adhering to necessary regulatory reporting and requirements.

Digital Forensics
FTI Technology’s digital forensic professionals can uncover the intricate relationships between individuals and entities through electronic data trails. Our forensics team is highly adept at identifying and untangling the webs of interdependencies that link people, corporate entities, monetary amounts, business partners, and outsiders to critical events.