Press Release
FTI Consulting Receives Recognition in the Legal Industry

Washington, D.C., Feb. 23, 2017 — FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced that its Forensic & Litigation Consulting segment and Technology segment have been recognized as industry leaders in numerous categories by readers of The National Law Journal, New Jersey Law Journal and Texas Lawyer.
FTI Consulting received recognition in the following categories:
The National Law Journal’s 2016 Best of Legal Times
- Best End-to-End Litigation Consulting Firm
- Best Jury Consultant
- Best Expert Witness Provider
- Best Litigation Valuation Provider
- Best Forensic Accounting Provider
- Best Cybersecurity Consultancy
- Best Case Management Software
- Best Litigation Dispute Advisory Services Consultant
- Best Cybersecurity Provider
New Jersey Law Journal’s Best of 2016
- Best Expert Witness Best Securities Litigation Consulting Firm
- Best IT Consulting and Outsourcing
- Best E-discovery Managed Service
- Best Corporate Investigations Provider
- Best Predictive Coding
- Best Data Recovery Services Provider
Texas Lawyer’s 2016 Texas’ Best
- Houston Best National Computer Forensics Firm
- Houston Best Jury Consultant
- Houston Best Expert Witness
- Best of Texas Lawyer Hall of Fame
- Dallas/Fort Worth Best National Computer Forensics Firm
- Austin Best National Computer Forensics Firm
About FTI Consulting