Press Release
FTI Consulting Showcases Thought Leadership on Data Security at Legaltech New York Conference
January 31 Panels Help Legal Teams Navigate Challenging Corporate Data Risks

Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2017 — FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced that its FTI Technology segment will present on key data protection and information governance issues during three educational sessions at the Legaltech New York 2017 ("LTNY") conference next week. Legal practitioners can earn up to three continuing legal education ("CLE") credits from most states by attending the three sessions on January 31, 2017 at the New York Hilton Midtown.
"Data security is top of mind for corporations, and legal teams play an important role in protecting and utilizing sensitive data," said Sophie Ross, Global Chief Executive Officer of the Technology segment at FTI Consulting. "These three sessions feature a seasoned group of legal and data management experts who will share strategies for navigating data risks in the shifting global regulatory and legal landscape."
All of FTI Technology’s panel sessions will be held in the Mercury Ballroom of the New York Hilton Midtown on Tuesday, January 31, 2017. The sessions and panel descriptions include the following:
Shielding the Organization from Data Risk & E-Discovery Failures
12:45-1:45 p.m. ET
Data risk can strike an organization from many angles – from external attacks to internal malfeasance to third-party negligence – and have real consequences for the e-discovery process. How do security risks such as data leakage, shadow IT and third-party negligence lead to e-discovery failures? And how can organizations eliminate preventable e-discovery mistakes such as failure to preserve, failure to protect and the inadvertent release of privileged information? Attend this panel to discuss who bears responsibility and how to prevent failures while instituting best practices in light of the latest case law and new federal rules. 1 Ethics CLE credit pending
- Ignatius Grande, Senior Discovery Attorney, Hughes Hubbard
- Jordan Razza, Senior Counsel and Director of U.S. Litigation, Diageo North America, Inc.
- Matthew Fisher, Global Head of Records and Information Management, Diageo North America, Inc.
- Jason Ray, Managing Director, FTI Technology
Corporate Data Assessments: The New Game Changer?
2:15-3:15 p.m. ET
Where do you begin when implementing a data governance and security plan? How do you secure executive buy-in? How can you incorporate shifting regulatory frameworks to ensure compliance? What if you plan to move to Microsoft 365? How does this impact your broader data management strategy? These are just some of the questions that can stymie and stall corporate data governance initiatives. Increasingly, corporations are shifting to a data assessment model, which can help proactively identify threats, map an organization’s data universe and help identify an action plan that is presentable to the C-suite. Attend this session to learn more about what these data assessments should incorporate, who should be involved, and how you can customize the data assessment to your own organizational needs. 1 Ethics CLE credit pending
- Judy S. Lao, Chief Legal Office, Blackstone Group
- Jason C. Stearns CRM IGP, Director, BlackRock
- Ben Robbins, E-Discovery and Information Governance, LinkedIn
- Jenya Moshkovich, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg
- Jake Frazier, Senior Managing Director, FTI Technology
Advice from Counsel: Data and Risk-Intensive Investigations
3:45-4:45 p.m. ET
From corporate fraud and IP theft to regulatory investigations, legal teams are hard-pressed to quickly find, understand and act upon data in investigations. What are some of the strategies that top legal teams use to proactively prepare for data-intensive investigations? Which analytics tools are best suited for uncovering different pieces of information? How can you balance investigative needs with adherence to various data privacy and state secrets laws? This panel represents the fifth consecutive year FTI Consulting will present the results of the annual Advice from Counsel corporate law survey at LTNY. 1 Ethics CLE credit pending
- Marla Crawford, Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Goldman Sachs
- Jessica Perazzelli Ross, Vice President & Counsel, Deutsche Bank AG NY
- Kelly Clay, Assistant General Counsel-Legal Department, GSK
- Ari Kaplan, Principal, Ari Kaplan Advisors
- Sophie Ross, Global Chief Executive Officer, FTI Technology