Blog Post
Compliance Week West: Data-Intensive Investigations in an Age of Evolving Compliance Standards

FTI Technology experts speak at numerous events in any given year, and the audience is often comprised of counsel with e-discovery responsibilities. This Compliance Week West event in Menlo Park, California, was a nice opportunity for us to present to a different audience – compliance and risk officers – on a very important issue impacting both e-discovery and compliance professionals: data-intensive investigations.
Earlier today, Jason Ray of FTI Technology partnered with Brian Miller, Inspector General of the U.S. General Services Administration, to provide two perspectives on conducting data-intensive investigations. From defining and defending the scope of the matter, to the use of analytics for finding the needle in the haystack, attendees came away with practical advice for managing this process in a defensible and cost-effective manner.
If you’re interested in learning more about how the analytics in Ringtail can help find the needle in the haystack, or how FTI professionals can assist in global investigations requiring in-country, foreign language review, please contact us.
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