Blog Post
FTI Discusses Information Governance Enforcement in InformationWeek

When the IT and records departments work strategically with in-house counsel, they can make a huge impact in implementing technology to enforce and support information governance policy and track company-wide compliance thereof. The ability to automate IG as much as possible, and track compliance across the company is absolutely critical in achieving ROI from the precious time and resources that are invested in building out these programs.
All too often, even after an investment into IG has been made, many projects are not enforced or monitored for compliance, making it difficult to rely on the results. I recently wrote an article for InformationWeek about steps IG teams can take to build enforcement into their policies from the outset.
The article discussed the following:
- Strategic Technology Implementation: The most critical feature a product should offer is the ability to monitor and flag activity – this will make the biggest impact in achieving and maintaining IG enforcement.
- Training: When rolling out a new IG initiative, such as a legal hold program, or Microsoft 365 migration, it is imperative to have a computer-based training module in place that shows users what the new policies look like within the context of their work environment.
- Cross-Functional Support: Legal, compliance, security, IT and records departments must work together to understand the confines of the internal landscape, such as the corporate attitude toward risk, in order to be successful.
- Executive Sponsorship: The key to gaining company-wide buy-in is communicating the overall impact to the bottom line and mitigated risk.
- Change Management: Effectively managing and enabling change – and approaching it as a journey – is essential for anyone looking to drive IG.
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