Blog Post
FTI In The News: Managing Director, Tim Anderson Discusses The Latest In Emerging Data

The data landscape continues to evolve and now more than ever, accelerate. Driven by the pandemic, people around the globe have been forced to adapt how they communicate, professionally and personally.
The list of platforms and applications is long with Teams, Zoom, Slack, Skype and WhatsApp, to name a few, now household names. For e-discovery practitioners, staying in front of new applications can be challenging given the stream of applications being developed and adopted in masses. This is true for the social media application ClubHouse, which is becoming increasingly relevant based on its usage and complexity of format. Understanding the platform's audio recording policies and functionality is critical in evaluating its discoverability.
In a recent interview with Law 360, FTI's Tim Anderson addresses the challenges presented by rich media applications like ClubHouse, stating, "The technical limitations of the platform itself are probably not limitations from an end-user perspective, but from a discovery perspective, it certainly introduces challenges."
To learn more about emerging data types and key considerations for E-discovery, you can read the full article on
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