Blog Post
How is Case Law Impacting Record Managers and Self-Collection? – ARMA 2013

As ARMA evolves into an organization focused on helping companies address information governance challenges, we were proud to participate in the ARMA 2013 conference with two stellar panels.
The first focused on how case law is impacting records managers and self-collection policies. The panel consisted of law firm and corporate representatives and focused on key learnings from four recent cases:
- Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. v. AIG United Guaranty Corporation (E.D. Va. 2011)
- Jones v. Bremen High School District 228 (N.D. Ill. 2010)
- Green v. Blitz U.S.A., Inc. (E.D. Tex. 2011)
- National Day Laborer Organizing Network v. United States Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (S.D.N.Y. 2012)
From there, the discussion shifted to actionable advice on what these cases mean for teams responding to legal matters. The panel put together a number of practical cheat sheets – like the below showing pros and cons of physical versus logical collections. There’s also another chart that provides recommendations from the collective panel on collection best practices for a variety of common scenarios – from government investigations to commercial litigation. If you’d like a copy of the materials, contact ARMA or send a note to More on the second panel tomorrow.
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