Blog Post
How to Hit the Bullseye in Modern Data Governance

Against the backdrop of today’s complex regulatory requirements and a rapidly expanding data footprint, organizations are struggling to understand, contain, govern, secure and extract value from their data. Adding to the challenge is that data considerations impact an array of stakeholders across an organization—the CIO cares about IT infrastructure and cost, the CISO is tasked with securing countless systems, the marketing department seeks business insights, in-house counsel worry over legal and compliance risk, and so on. Often stakeholder needs, budgets and priorities are in conflict with one another. Often, the prospect of achieving data governance seems so far off, the challenges so immense, that organizations become stuck in assessments and planning, unable to move a program toward implementation.
One study referenced in a Harvard Business Review article found that 93% of executives who say their organization is struggling to implement data initiatives cited people and process issues as their primary obstacle. Indeed, understanding needs, defining and managing roles and responsibilities and shepherding the ever-critical change management aspect of new programs seem like universal pitfalls that persist across all enterprise data governance efforts. Like the data, risks and regulations that drive it, data governance is a constantly moving target—and missing the mark can come at a high cost.
Our team recently developed an e-book, Taking Aim at Enterprise Data Governance, to help organizations understand the scope of modern data governance and best practices for designing and deploying programs that fulfill a broad spectrum of needs. This e-book serves as a resource that explains common goals and challenges in data governance, an overview of the most pressing regulations impacting data, key roles and responsibilities needed to support a robust program and tips for moving past the planning phase to taking action and realizing results. It also introduces FTI Technology’s Data Governance Matrix, a holistic view of modern data governance functions and priorities. These include:
- Data Analytics & Insight
- Enterprise Architecture & Technology
- Collaborative Data Governance
- Privacy, Compliance & Security
To learn more about data governance and read about each of these categories in detail, download our Taking Aim at Enterprise Data Governance e-book.
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