Blog Post
Maintaining Continuity as We Adapt to The New Normal

The pandemic and the response to containing it has impacted us all in many ways, some expected, many unexpected. One thing that has struck me during this time is the level of commonality experienced. We are all adjusting to our own, unique “new normal” as a result of COVID-19.
At FTI, our offices, teams and people span the globe. Everyone is dealing with the pandemic in some capacity. In many ways, even though we are all physically distanced, it has been unifying. How do we adapt to new working environments, distractions, communication technologies? It’s a lot to take in all at once.
For the teams I work with, I find it critical to connect on a personal level. To seek to understand everyone’s unique circumstance and determine the best approach for communicating, staying connected and working together to continue serving our clients. It is important to me that this approach is taken not only because I value my colleagues as people, but it is necessary to achieve the level of service and results our clients have come to expect from FTI. Our people must know they are supported so they can continue to serve our clients at a high level.
It is not just people that have had to adjust either. Our e-discovery offerings have been adapted to adhere to stay-at-home orders and distancing policies. From conducting remote collections, to project management enhancements, to virtual managed review, we have modified our offerings to fit the needs of our clients and the demands of our current environment.
I have captured some of these learnings and offering innovations in a new guide titled, Five Steps To E-Discovery Workforce Continuity in Our New Normal. I will also be discussing these steps and more in our first installment of the FTI Technology Insights monthly webinar series held Thursday, April 30. Both the guide and webinar provide firsthand accounts of adapting to our “new normal,” as well as insights into the steps we are taking to continue to serve our clients. It is my hope you find our learnings valuable and can apply them to your own teams and clients. After all, we are indeed all in this together.
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