Blog Post
Predictive Coding: Unanswered Questions?

Just one more week to Legal Tech New York and the panels are putting the finishing touches on presentation materials. Our 10:30 am session on Wednesday the 5th covers predictive coding from a different angle than most conference sessions. First, we’re fortunate to have distinguished legal professionals representing the bench, corporate in-house teams, as well as law firm counsel. Secondly, the focus will be on practical advice for using predictive coding for three common use cases – Second Requests, in-house investigations and litigation. And last but not least, the panel will discuss some of the unanswered questions as it relates to predictive coding. This includes the debate on whether or not to disclose the use of predictive coding, the role of keywords, and also knowing when predictive coding may not be well-suited for your case.
If you’re attending Legal Tech this year, please attend this session on Wednesday morning in the Trianon Ballroom!
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