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Q&A: Putting Talent First in Managed Review Recruiting, Training and Team Management

Mary Vegher, Senior Director, oversees project staffing for managed review, data incident response and research projects in the U.S. and Canada. She collaborates with review managers, recruiters and review attorneys to align the needs of each project with the most skilled and dedicated team. In this Q&A, Mary discusses her approach to finding and nurturing talent, and how FTI Technology maintains the highest possible standards for managed review clients.
Mary, what is the biggest need you’re seeing right now in terms of managed review experience and specialization?
Clients are increasingly requesting review attorneys who have well-documented review experience on their resumes. Specifically, they want to see a history of completed projects that involved a high standard of quality control, as well as experience with privilege logging and numerous review platforms. We have also noticed a higher selection rate for those attorneys who highlight any specialized tasks or unique projects they’ve worked on. We support our reviewers in refining their resumes, so they showcase detailed, yet concise, current areas of expertise. We also provide resume templates for reviewers to model their own resumes after, so they can easily convey their strengths.
Showing prior reviewer experience on a resume can be incredibly frustrating for newly licensed attorneys and those looking to change their legal careers. For these candidates, we encourage them to seek out relevant trainings and certification (e.g., Relativity certifications), highlight those on their resumes and to pursue any document review project that does not have a prior experience requirement in order to build that work history. Once on a project, our reviewers are empowered to ask questions, volunteer for special tasks and find ways to contribute to the project that will help them develop more skills.
What other skills are you searching for?
Projects are trending towards advanced analytics and research-heavy matters requiring researchers with advanced database searching skillsets and the ability to synthesize large datasets into digestible, client-facing material. We are also increasingly staffing teams in data incident response matters that require candidates to have proficiency and experience identifying and handling personally identifiable information, as well as strong Excel skills. Our team is in the process of expanding our pre-project training materials to support skill development in these areas and proactively identify suitable candidates who can best assist our clients on complex and sensitive matters.
What’s unique about working at FTI Technology?
Client work is of the utmost importance and requires excellence and professionalism from all employees. As a company, FTI Technology also extends the same standards of excellence and professionalism to employees. Document reviewers and researchers are vital members of project teams and the feedback we consistently receive is that FTI Technology is the best organization they have worked with — projects are well-managed, communications are prompt and clear, and contributions are recognized. Because of our expertise and commitment to serving clients, many of the reviewers and researchers we work with have been with us for more than a decade, choosing to come back time and again over other providers.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about the work you do?
It’s rewarding to work for a company and team that truly values our people. We are always looking for new candidates and our team of dedicated recruiters are available to answer questions and help potential candidates get started. Also, many of our review managers started with us as document review attorneys and are prime examples of how FTI Technology is an excellent place to forge a full-time career in this field.
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