
Sudden Impact: How The Pandemic Changed Antitrust Investigations and Compliance

The pandemic and its ripple effects have impacted us all in many ways, including how we work. Suddenly, millions of workers worldwide made the shift to remote work -- adopting new schedules, communication systems, and business practices. Antitrust practitioners were no different.

From North America to South America and Europe, competition authorities updated guidance on pandemic-driven cooperation, transitioned to virtual investigations and temporarily suspended certain merger review and office searches. Acceleration of remote-work-driven cloud communication and the need for remote document collection, only complicated matters further.

As companies and agencies worldwide prepare to reopen offices, it’s time to assess the long-term effect of Covid-19 on antitrust compliance and investigation procedures.

In this session, findings from the Global Competition Review and FTI Consulting report “Investigations, Data and Compliance” will be discussed, highlighting the impact of the pandemic on global antitrust and compliance investigations and the attorneys responsible for conducting them. View this session to learn:

  • Global perspectives on the lasting impact of the pandemic on antitrust investigations
  • Key trends shaping the future of competition law and compliance programs
  • Best practices for collecting, reviewing and analyzing large volumes of cloud-based data remotely
  • Considerations for antitrust practitioners in dealing with hybrid work environments as return-to-office begins


Tim Anderson, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

Andrea Levine, Managing Director, FTI Consulting

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