
Cybersecurity Resources

Case Study

Assess & Advise: Pre-Acquisition Cryptocurrency Assessment

FTI Technology’s cryptocurrency experts provide in-depth audit of digital assets, business model and infrastructure in support of due diligence activities.

Blog Post

Ransomware on the Rise: Preventing and Responding to a Cybersecurity Crisis

The threat of ransomware is becoming increasingly worrisome for Latin American corporations and governments. Organizations in Brazil are at an especially high risk, as the country represents the highest share (nearly 50%) of Latin American targets attacked using ransomware. While ransoms average around $170,000, they can reach into the tens of millions. The overall cost of such an attack—across regulatory fines, reputational damage, recovery efforts and legal proceedings—is usually far greater than the payment alone.

Blog Post

It’s Not Over Yet: Addressing Persistent Legal and Regulatory Risks in Remote Work Environments

Earlier this year, we teamed up with Colin R. Jennings, a partner at Squire Patton Boggs, and other speakers on a panel for the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the ACC. Our talk covered the breadth of risks and mitigation strategies that have emerged—and are continuing to create headaches for—legal teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Privacy Playbook: Protecting Deal Value Through Targeted Privacy Due Diligence

While cyberattacks and breaches grab headlines, privacy compliance issues can be equally damaging to a deal and often reveal themselves only after the close. The growing web of privacy regulations increase the specter of integration challenges in the near term and enforcement actions or litigation in the mid-to-long term.

Blog Post

The Most Interesting Cryptocurrency Stories to Close out 2019

Cryptocurrency news heated up at the end of 2019. The second half of the year also brought a wave of new litigations around cryptocurrency misuse, fraud and theft. I expect we’ll see even more of this in 2020, along with a surge of interesting news. Industry watchers can expect a range of cases, from the state level, all the way up to far-reaching cross-border matters, as criminals find new ways to leverage crypto markets to further their malicious interests.

Blog Post

Hacking, Extortion and Stolen Coins: Unraveling a Major Cryptocurrency Breach

When one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges was breached in May of this year, few in the industry were surprised. Cryptocurrency exchanges have long been appealing targets of malicious actors looking to steal currency and personal information. But this recent breach, which will potentially impact tens of thousands of cryptocurrency investors around the world, is particularly unique. The series of events that has unfolded in its aftermath serves as a stark reminder that the criminals looking to profit from this industry are both sophisticated and highly motivated.

Blog Post

Questions Arise Amid IRS Crackdown on Cryptocurrency Investors

In July, more than 10,000 cryptocurrency investors received warning from the IRS that they may owe taxes on improperly reported income. Weeks later, another round of letters were sent to some, outlining the amount of taxes owed for cryptocurrency gains and demands for payment. These letters are likely the tip of the iceberg in a long-anticipated IRS crackdown on crypto income—the latest in a series of government activity in this arena.

White Paper

Tracing Crime on the Dark Web

Given its lawlessness, complexity and lack of transparency, monitoring the Dark Web requires expertise and experience. It is often difficult for organisations due to a lack of highly skilled resources and skillset they typically have available. Instead, companies would be better served by working closely with a technology provider who can provide the relevant support along with assistance in closely monitoring the Dark Web for relevant data using specialist tools and techniques.

Blog Post

Equifax Breach a Category 4 or 5 Attack, but By No Means Unique

Late last week, we learned that Equifax was breached via a simple web application weakness, and over 143 million consumers’ records were compromised. The bad (worse) news is that this story is not unique, and this is by no means the final chapter.

Blog Post

Evaluating Network Permissions in Investigations

Jim Scarazzo explains how risk, IT, legal and compliance intersect across the many stages of investigation.

Blog Post

ILTA Peer-to-Peer: Skills You Need To Summit the Mountain of Data Challenges

In a recent FTI Advice from Counsel study, 76 percent of respondents said that while they do have information governance programs in place, initiatives ranged across 30 different areas of focus. These included data security, budget transparency, efficient records retention, data analytics, compliance, risk prevention and optimizing data for litigation needs, and underscore the difficulty many legal teams have in focusing their IG efforts.

Blog Post

FTI Shares Information Governance Philosophy in Cybersecurity Law & Strategy

One of the most meaningful elements of information governance is how it can drive the differentiation of data types and enable stronger security protocols around a corporation’s most sensitive data.