White Paper
Legal Service Delivery In the Age of AI
FTI Technology and the Blickstein Group present the 17th Annual Law Department Operations Survey.

There is no question that generative AI has been on everyone’s minds for the last two years. But most of those conversations have raised more questions than answers. Most see it as a game changer rather than a flash in the pan that may provide some incremental improvements but will largely fade away. There has not been much consensus, however, on what it will change most and what will change first.
Finally, the legal profession is getting some answers to those questions, as the 17th Annual Law Department Operations Survey created by Blickstein Group in collaboration with FTI Consulting attests. The implications of GenAI will extend across virtually every aspect of the way that law department operations professionals work, how legal departments function and deliver legal services, and how they interact with their clients, law firms, vendors, ALSPs, and other stakeholders.
Survey respondents shared many of their insights into the role GenAI is playing, both within their legal departments and with their law firms. And as respondents to this year’s survey have made clear, the “operational” considerations will be affected more—or at least before—legal ones. Put another way, we are already seeing more impact on legal service delivery than on legal service itself.
As entrenched as GenAI has already become, this is only the beginning. Nearly three out of four respondents, 72%, believe GenAI will become an essential part of the legal profession.